Cover: “Stolen Soul” by Alex Rivers

Check out the cover reveal for Alex River’sStolen Soul“, the first book in The Yliaster Crystal series.

Now available in print and ebook!

They say no man can rob a dragon. Good thing I’m not a man.

There’s an underground magical vault, protected by sorcery, security cameras, guards and whatnot. Think of the most impenetrable place in the world. Now triple it.

Here comes the bad news. It belongs to a dragon, and I was hired to break into it and steal his hoard. Suicidal? Insane? Maybe, but… actually, there’s no but. It’s suicidal and insane. Still, fortune favors the bold. Let’s hope fortune has a good disposition toward the crazy as well.

I might be an alchemist extraordinaire, and the best burglar on the East Coast, but this is not a solo job. I’ll need a team for this one. Accompanied by a powerful sorcerer, a fortune teller, a scam artist, and a hacker, I embark on the heist of the century. If we succeed, we’ll be legends. If not – crispy dragon snacks.

Covers: “The DI Kayli Bright Trilogy” by MA Comley

Introducing the covers for bestselling author, MA Comley’s  DI Kayli Bright Trilogy.


“The Missing Children”

Book One 

“I want my mummy…”

The whisper seems to echo through the rooms of the abandoned house. DI Kayli Bright and her partner, DS Dave Chaplin, aren’t strangers to dealing with bad cases, but no one can prepare for the emotional and mental anguish caused by the discovery of a child’s remains.

Determined to find the responsible culprit, several of the dead child’s family members surface on their radar of suspects…until they learn of another child’s abduction.

The investigation leads Kayli to the shocking conclusion that even more children in the area have been abducted. A race against time ensues to find the children before they get lost in a sinister, evil world.

Print Edition


“Killer on the Run”

Book Two

DI Kayli Bright is called to the scene of a terrible accident that appears to be a case of careless driving. However, her gut reaction tells her there’s much more at stake. Within hours, her suspicions are confirmed when she is called to investigate a second incident on the same stretch of road. This time there is no doubt in Kayli’s mind that she’s dealing with a murder enquiry.

Are the two incidents connected? Is Kayli looking for a driver with a severe case of road rage? Or is there a twisted serial killer on her patch?

As Kayli sifts through the web of lies to capture the killer, her personal life seems to be falling apart. Her fiancé, Mark, returns home from his new job oversees a changed man. What is he hiding? Could Mark’s dark secret be destructive enough to put an end to their relationship?

Print Edition



“Hidden Agenda”

Book Three

Now available for pre-order!

An hour after accepting a lift home from work, Sarah Abel is found murdered in her flat. With very few clues at the scene, it’s up to DI Kayli Bright and her team to decide if this is a case of a bungled burglary or if Sarah is part of someone else’s hidden agenda. While sifting through the list of suspects, Kayli worries her personal turmoil threatens to derail the investigation.

With her stress levels at their highest and overwhelmed by her concern for her missing fiancé, Kayli makes a decision that shocks her team and her family.

A decision that not only jeopardises her job but also puts her own life in mortal danger.

Print Edition


Cover: “Time” by Robert J. Crane

Cover reveal for the next Out of the Box book by Robert J. Crane, “Time“.

Now available for PRE-ORDER!

Sienna Nealon has spent the last two months cooling her heels on the cloudy shores of Oregon, waiting for something to happen. Then one day, when she’s waiting in a diner, it does – or doesn’t, rather. Because time freezes, everyone around her stuck and unmoving, not conscious of anything happening. When it springs to motion again, Sienna knows that a day she’s long awaited has arrived.

It’s time.

In this twenty-ninth book in the long-running, million-selling adventures of Sienna Nealon, she finds herself traveling to Japan to locate the source of this trouble: Shin’ichi Akiyama, a man she met years ago, who promised they would meet again in his her future – his past – and whose power is to control the very flow of time itself. If she fails, Sienna won’t just be responsible for the end of the world.

Because now…the fate of time itself is in her hands.


Cover: “A Haven in Ash” by Robert J. Crane

A little late on the reveal here, but better late than never!

Introducing the cover for the first book in the Ashes of Luukessia: A Sanctuary Series,  “A Haven in Ash” by Robert J. Crane and Michael Winstone.

Now available in ebook!

The land of Luukessia is lost. A horde of beasts known only as the scourge has ravaged the land, leaving only the village of Terreas to survive. Hemmed in on all sides by the scourge, the denizens of Terreas eke out a lonely existence, trying to survive in a land that is all but dead.

Jasen Rabinn is a teenage boy trapped in Terreas but with a mind rooted outside the boundaries of his village. He longs for adventure, and when the mysterious Baraghosa – a sorcerer of a sort not native to Luukessia – comes to Terreas, a chain of events is set in motion that will carry Jasen beyond his simple town. To adventure. To danger.

To his destiny.


Cover: “The Leafstone Shield” by Jim Aikin

Check out the cover for Jim Aikin’s first book in the Leafstone series, “The Leafstone Shield“.

Now available in ebook!

Coming soon to print!

A different kind of epic! Yes, there’s danger, and the stakes are high. Blood will be spilled. But there are also moments of humor, tenderness, beauty, and hope. The large cast of colorful characters includes two urbane but thoroughly evil wizards, an arrogant and unreliable concert pianist, a thief, a straight-laced governess, a half-breed demon, and a not-very-bright ghost. Men with crossbows appear from time to time, but there’s not a single knight or warrior, and the king wears reading spectacles. Even when the multi-faceted world turns dark, it’s not bitter or grim.

At seventeen, Kyura is sure she’s nobody special, but her life is about to be flipped upside down. She works in her uncle’s inn, serving the dinner guests and sweeping the floors. The author wishes to apologize in advance for making her the hereditary ruler of the distant and troubled land where she was born. If the author had known The Chosen One was such a howling cliché, he would never have written this story, so we can all be grateful that he didn’t know.

So anyway, a family of elves shows up, bringing a broken piece of a powerful magical amulet (another cliché — sorry) called the Leafstone Shield. The Shield was once her grandfather’s pride and burden. Now it’s hers. Finding the other broken bits is the least of the challenges she’ll face. And she will need the magic of the Shield to free her once-beautiful homeland from the iron grip of a fae lord and her unstable and casually murderous cousin. (You want villains? We got villains.) Kyura and her friends Meery and Alixia face impossible odds, swept up in a whirlwind of political intrigue, treachery, ancient legends, and exotic magic. And this is only Book One. The adventure begins….



New Covers for Robert J. Crane’s Girl in the Box Series, Part 3

If you missed the first two parts find them here:
Part 1: Books 1-3
Part 2: Books 4&5

This is the final post on Robert J. Crane’s Girl in the Box series redoes. I’m just going to throw the remaining five covers at you all! I had a lot of fun redoing this series. There was a lot of custom work involved, including a photoshoot for the main character (not something I would normally be involved in, it was just happenstance). I hope the new covers for the new year bring a lot of new sales!

Now on to the pretty pictures!


Book Six

Sienna Nealon is a broken human being. Her lover is dead, her closest friends have deserted her, and her employers have betrayed her. From the ashes of her desperation, she must master the metahuman powers at her command and finally tame the souls that share her body for one ultimate purpose – revenge against the ones who destroyed her life.

Print Edition



Book Seven

Far from home, having failed in her quest to kill Old Man Winter, Sienna Nealon finds herself in the city of London, working with Omega, her oldest enemies. Surrounded by people she doesn’t trust, thrust into events that could mean the extinction of the metahuman race, Sienna will discover that the line between friend and foe is thinner than she ever could have believed – and that her greatest enemies may lie within.

Print Edition



Book Eight

Time is running out for Sienna Nealon. The mysterious organization Century is only weeks from wiping out the entire metahuman race. But just as Sienna has made the decision to fight them, her past catches up to her and she finds herself in the hands of the U.S. Government. Secrets long buried begin to rise, putting Sienna and everyone she cares about directly in the path of Century…and in a desperate search for the identity of their leader, Sovereign, a man who has plans of his own for Sienna.

Print Edition



Book Nine

In the aftermath of her confrontation with Sovereign, Sienna Nealon finds herself low on allies. The organization Century continues their genocide of the entire race of metahumans unchecked, working toward an ultimate goal that they have yet to reveal. Sienna must race to find the answers before it’s too late, because Century’s final attacks are beginning…and if Sienna and her allies fall, there will be no one left to stop them.

Print Edition



Book Ten

Sienna Nealon seems like a woman beaten. Imprisoned by her enemies, facing the extinction of her entire race, she is up against overwhelming odds.

But overwhelming odds have never stopped her before.

Print Edition


Series Redo: The Proving Trilogy by Marina Finlayson

Another series revamp. Check out the new look for Marina Finlayson’s The Proving Trilogy.

Now available in print and ebook!



Book One

Kate O’Connor’s trying to move on from a tragic past, but there’s a big difference between wanting to forget and having someone rip the memories right out of your head. When Kate returns from an unusual courier job with no memory of where she’s just been, alarm bells start ringing. But the weirdness gets seriously out of hand when a werewolf shows up in her kitchen and tries to kill her. It turns out there’s a whole hidden world of shifters out there—and most of them want Kate dead. Shame she can’t remember why.

Werewolves are only the beginning of Kate’s troubles. The shifter world is ruled by the dragon queens, and Kate’s managed to land right in the middle of a supernatural war of succession. As the queen’s daughters fight to the death, Kate forms an unlikely alliance with her attacker. To have any hope of surviving she must uncover the explosive secret hidden in her memory—but first she has to live through the night.

Print Edition


“The Twiceborn Queen”

Book Two

Kate O’Connor’s had a rough week. Thrown into the middle of a war of succession between the daughters of the dragon queen, her introduction to the hidden world of the shifters almost proved fatal. Now, because of Kate and her new powers, that hidden realm has been revealed to the world, which hasn’t exactly won Kate any popularity contests.

Still, it’s not all bad news. After all, it’s not every day someone you love comes back from the dead. Throw in a hot new boyfriend, and suddenly Kate’s got a lot to live for—which is bad timing, because now the queen’s set a bounty on her head and every shifter in Sydney is trying to collect it.

Kate may have defeated a dragon already, but there are plenty more where that one came from. As her enemies close in and the body count mounts, Kate begins a desperate search for allies. The deadly game of the proving continues. If Kate is to save the people she loves, failure is not an option. The rules are simple: win or die.

Print Edition


“Twiceborn Endgame”

Book Three

Half human, half dragon, all vengeance.

No one said being half dragon would be easy, but Kate O’Connor’s life has gone completely off the rails. She thought she’d won the succession war between the daughters of the dragon queen, until a shocking betrayal changed everything.

Now seven new sisters have joined the fray, a sinister government taskforce is gunning for her, and the Japanese queen has hit town, bent on snatching the throne for herself. Worst of all, her beloved son has been abducted.

The shifter world has never seen a proving like this one, but then, there’s never been a dragon quite like Kate before. She’ll need her human ingenuity as well as her dragon magic to save her son and everyone she holds dear. The final moves in the deadly endgame take her from goblin caves to Japanese palaces as she races against the clock to snatch victory from the dragon jaws of defeat.

Print Edition


A shout out and a big thanks to NeoStock for creating great model images to work with!



