Multiple Cover Reveal: The Lorne Family Vault Series by Michael Pierce

I had originally planned on doing these reveals one by one, but since I am so behind on cover reveals I decided to do one long post. 🙂

Introducing the new covers for author Michael Pierce’s Lorne Family Vault Series.

Look for the cover change overs coming soon!

Book One

Provex City

BLURB:  In Provex City, the wolves await.

Fifteen-year-old Oliver Grain begins his school year fighting off bullies, learning about the boy who committed suicide in his room, and trying to understand why his history teacher, Mr. Gordon, has taken such a personal interest in him.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe you can make bullies simply disappear?

Do you believe you can walk through walls?

Mr. Gordon tells Oliver: “When you truly believe anything is possible, you will be able to open doors where there were only walls.” And one of those doors leads Oliver to Provex City, which puts him in far greater danger than he can possibly fathom.

Print Edition

Facebook Timeline Cover Image


Book Two

SUSY Asylum

BLURB:  In SUSY Asylum, there is no release. There is no escape. No hope.

Oliver and Desiree are introduced to the writings of a mysterious blogger, Commodore Chaos, when they return to Provex City. The blogger claims the Lornes are collecting people venturing between the higher planes of awareness and locking them away in a mythical asylum. But are these legitimate concerns for inter-plane travelers or just the ramblings of an anonymous conspiracy blogger?

Oliver looks to Provex City as his only connection to his father while Desiree looks to the city as an escape from the torment of losing her best friend—again. Provex City is a wonder of beautiful treasures, entrancing them to continue returning. But behind the beauty, wolves have continued hunting Oliver, a boy who is still unaware of his importance in the rebellion.

Oliver’s belief is waning. Desiree will not always be by his side. Mr. Gordon will not always come to his aid. Oliver finds himself alone, forced to confront his biggest fears, fight his inner demons, and face the very cold reality that no one is coming to save him.

Print Edition

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Book Three

“Doria Falls”

BLURB:  In Doria Falls, the sky is falling.

Oliver has Mr. Gordon’s assurance that he’s finally on his way to meet his father, but the journey will be far from easy. Provex City is on the brink of collapse, and Doria might not survive. The plane of Doria hides just beyond the majesty of Provex City, one more step and one more lifetime away.

Once he gets there, nothing is what Oliver expects—not what’s left of the crippled new world, not the rebellion against the greater Lorne family, not his father, and not Oliver’s newfound capabilities. But everything Oliver has learned thus far is put to the test when he finds himself once again face to face with the bogeyman—the patriarch of the all-reaching Lorne family—Kafka himself. This time Oliver may not be so lucky.

Print Edition

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Book Four

“Archanum Manor”

BLURB:  In Archanum Manor, the Lorne family origin is revealed.

Oliver is finally able to return home, but soon realizes there is no returning to his former life. What has been taken from him can never be returned. All he can do to move forward is continue fighting alongside his father and Mr. Gordon against Kafka Lorne and his loyal family members.

Kafka is eager to build a name for himself in Los Angeles like he has done over many lifetimes in the planes above. And to the people in this plane, he is more powerful than he even dreamt—untouchable and unstoppable.

When it’s discovered that Kafka is not the originator of the Lorne family secrets—he too had a mentor—a whole new campaign begins. Kafka is not the first; there is another. There is another family. And finding members of that fabled family may hold the key to stopping Kafka’s rampage and finally putting an end to the reign of the Lorne family.

Print Edition

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Cover: “Dubious Justice” by MA Comley

Cover finished for bestselling author M.A. Comley’s latest Justice Series release, “Dubious Justice“.

Now available in print and ebook!


BLURB: DS Lorne Warner and DI Katy Foster are called to the scene of an electrician’s suspected suicide but quickly discover that they’re dealing with a murder case instead.

Katy’s family emergency forces her back home to be by her parent’s side in Manchester, leaving Lorne as detective inspector, working alongside a new, and frustrating, partner.

When two more murders of tradesmen occur, the investigation throws suspicion on a couple who have recently renovated their home. However, the forensic team uncovers a lot more than anyone bargained for.


Print Edition

Facebook Timeline Cover Image


(also posted on my Facebook page)

I noticed I haven’t updated anything in a while, and have received several emails asking what’s up. The past couple months have been pretty rough. When I got back from vacation in March, my Mother was in the hospital for several weeks before passing. I kept communication open with scheduled clients to the best of my ability, but in that time frame I chose to spend time with my Mother in her remaining days, and family instead of working.

I have been back working for the past couple weeks, but I fell about a month behind. I have been desperately trying to catch back up, doubling up on work to not allow my schedule to fall any further behind. My inbox is utter chaos, and I’m not even sure I will be able to sort through it all. Getting the work done that I had already committed to do is my top priority.

If you have emailed me and I have not responded, please try again. If you are a potential new client looking to get on the schedule, I feel I should let you know I am currently scheduling for mid-late November 2015 and with things currently sitting they way they are, I can not fit you in sooner.

With that being said, I do have SEVERAL cover reveals that I need to catch up on. Hopefully I can find a moment to pull my head out of photoshop long enough to post those sometime soon.


I will be gone March 7th-16th and not responding to emails.

I always have issues with my e-mail auto-responder, so I am not going to bother with it this time.

Have a good week!

Cover: “Asena Blessed” by Tracy M. Joyce

Cover reveal AND a Before and After!

The cover art for YA author Tracy M. Joyce’s second book in The Chronicles of Altaica, “Asena Blessed”.

Brought to you by Odyssey Books.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!

Print Edition (minus back text)

Facebook Timeline Cover Image

Design for a Retractable Banner

Before & After

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to check out Book One, “Altaica“.