Cover: “Catastrophe” by Liz Schulte

Another cover reveal! This one is for the first book in The Sekhmet Bounty Series. A new upcoming series from author Liz Schulte.


Look for it coming to print and ebook, early 2015!


BLURB: When Femi left the sanctuary of her homeland, she vowed to never play by anyone’s rules but her own.  Descended from the feline goddess Sekhmet, she becomes the only bounty hunter of her kind in a world teeming with other supernatural creatures. However, the job suits her. She sets her own hours, works alone, and she selects which bounties she takes—until she receives an order to look into the most dangerous case of her life.

An outburst of violent werewolf maulings threatens to shred the fragile veil between the human world and the supernatural world of the Abyss. One single scratch from these feral creatures, who were thought to be near extinct, could turn any being into a blood-thirsty, rabid beast. Forced to team up with a human detective who knows more than he should about the supernatural world, she claws her way through the political subterfuge and blatant lies that have been fed to the people of the Abyss by an organization that no one knows exists.

To stop the attacks she will have to cross a line that could crack the foundation on which her world was built. With this case, curiosity may, in fact, kill the cat.


The Print Edition

I am actually a pretty big fan of Liz’s Abyss Series’, (Easy Bake Cover Series, The Guardian Trilogy and The Jinn Trilogy) so when she approached me about the next series based around Femi (one of my favorite characters) with her ideas for the cover, I got pretty excited. I hope I did her justice!

Here’s a close up of Femi’s face so you can see the cat eyes.

And the Facebook Timeline Cover Image

Keep an eye out for the next cover!

Cover: “Fade to Black” by Sue Duff

Cover reveal for author Sue Duff’s upcoming release, “Fade to Black”, book one of The Weir Chronicles.

Available Oct 10th 2014 in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.


BLURB: Ian Black is an illusionist with a talent for keeping secrets. College student Rayne Bevan has a gift for uncovering them. She suspects that the popular performer’s skills extend beyond the stage and that he’s the area’s mysterious and elusive defender of the innocent.

In her efforts to uncover the truth, Rayne is swept into the hidden world of the Weir, a magical race who struggle to prevent Earth from self-destructing. Her inquiries expose Ian to those who would kill for his connection to the planet, and as he fights to keep Rayne safe, they discover a force behind the Weir’s raging civil war—a traitor bent on launching Earth’s Armageddon.



Paperback Edition

Hardcover Edition


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Cover: “It Started with a Whisper” by A.W. Hartoin

The new and improved cover for author A.W. Hartoin’sIt Started with a Whisper“.

Available now in print and ebook!


BLURB: Wishes are powerful things, if you belong to the MacClarity clan. You can ask Grandpa for anything and he’ll make it come true, even though he’s been dead for nearly a hundred years. Ernest MacClarity doesn’t take the rumors about Grandpa too seriously. But when he’s had enough of his teacher’s harassment, Ernest asks Grandpa to take care of Miss Pritchett for him. Grandpa does and family secrets start to surface like magic. During a summer filled with both fear and fun, Ernest begins to realize that Grandpa isn’t the only special thing about his family, and their oddities aren’t just skin deep. Too bad he didn’t know sooner.



Print Edition

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Cover: “Edge of Darkness” by CJ Archer

Check out the cover for book 3 of the 2nd Freak House Series by YA author CJ Archer, “Edge of Darkness”.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: Past secrets have come back to haunt the residents of Freak House and their visitors. With the help of a 300 year-old ghost, Charity, Samuel and their friends peel back the layers of lies and deception to reveal the terrible events of 1867 that changed everything. At the heart of it all is a page of spells and two missing men.

But as they draw closer to answers, Charity pushes Samuel further away. Desperate to win her love, he hovers on the brink of madness and misery. One small push might send him over the edge.

The sensational conclusion to the Second Freak House Trilogy is full of twists, turns and heart wrenching moments that will stay with you long after you reach The End.

Print Edition

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Cover: “The Terran Gambit” by Endi Webb

Check out the new cover for author Endi Webb’s first book in his Pax Humana Saga, “The Terran Gambit“.

Now available on ebook, and watch for the change over coming soon to print!

Lieutenant Jacob Mercer likes fast motorcycles, faster women, and screamin’ space fighters. As a reckless fighter jock in the Resistance fleet battling the Corsican Empire, he lives solely for the thrill of taking out as many Imperial bogeys as he can.

A rebel victory is looming on the horizon when the Imperials abruptly change tactics and, in a surprising show of devastating force, incinerate the city of Dallas with a thermonuclear blast – killing millions – and delivering a merciless example of what happens to upstart worlds in the Pax Humana.

But the Resistance will not be cowed so easily. In retaliation the rebel leadership devises a daring plan to strike at the Empire’s heart in a final, desperate bid for freedom, a plan that will put Jake Mercer in the captain’s chair of the most advanced warship in the galaxy. In a life full of crazy moves, this one might just be the craziest, but Jake jumps at the chance anyway for it means a possible end to the war.

To succeed, all Jake has to do is face down a psychopathic Imperial Admiral bent on utterly destroying the Resistance and even Earth itself. What could be so hard about that?

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Cover: “Return” by Skye Malone

Cover reveal for book three in YA author Skye Malone’s Awakened Fate Series, “Return”.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!



BLURB: For Chloe, the ocean was supposed to mean safety and for a time, it almost did. She overcame the Sylphaen’s drugs. She discovered an unforeseen attraction to Zeke, one that he shares for her. A life underwater seemed possible, until she learned that nothing was as it appeared.

After an unspeakable betrayal shattered everything she thought she knew about Zeke’s world, she and Zeke have fled the ocean for the one place Chloe never expected to want to go.
But the challenge of living as a mermaid over a thousand miles from the ocean isn’t the only problem facing her. Home has changed. Enemies are waiting, ones she never saw coming. Her little Kansas town is full of surprises.
Including Noah, the guy she left behind.
Print Edition
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