Cover: “The Therions” by Esme Autumns

Cover reveal for author Esme Autumns’ upcoming YA release, “The Therions”. Brought to you by The Repository of Imagination.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: They’re in the shadows. They’re everywhere!

Jake thinks he’s just an ordinary schoolboy. Scraping a pass on his tests while doing the least amount of work, attracting admiring glances from girls, hanging with mates, and scoring goals for the soccer team: just ordinary things.

But Jake is far from normal. And his family? His sister is missing, his father changed, and his brother dead…  or so Jake thinks; the truth is far more shocking.

When his school friends start to disappear, and with petite Vicky Harris the only person he can trust as his world collapses around him, it’s time for Jake to learn the truth.

The Therions are out there.

And they’re almost ready to reap their human harvest.

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Cover: “Dragon Prey” by S.A. Hunter

Introducing the cover for author S.A. Hunter’s  “Dragon Prey“. The sequel to “Unicorn Bait”.

Now available on ebook, coming soon to print!


BLURB: In the inns of Terratu, bards tell the story of Lady Naomi, the unicorn mistress. It’s a grand story, in which she saves the unicorns and defeats the insane god Errilol. At the end, she lives happily ever after with her husband Lord Tavik. But unfortunately, the story’s about to change because there are two Lady Naomi’s and one of them is a fraud.

The fraud is the one who killed the god. The fraud is the one who helped the unicorns. The fraud is the one who got the happy ending, and the real Lady Naomi feels cheated and wants it for herself. With one little sip from a love potion, Tavik’s planning to marry the real Lady Naomi.

Naomi rushes to find an antidote before Tavik marries the real Lady Naomi. She’s hampered, though, by the reward Tavik has placed on her dead head. (Divorce doesn’t exist in Terratu.) She almost has it when a dragon decides that she’s dinner. That’s when her real troubles begin.

Sacrifices will have to be made. The story can’t stay the same. The dragon is hungry.


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Cover: “Game Change” by T’Gracie and Joe Reese

Cover reveal for another cozy mystery brought to you by Cozy Cat Press, “Game Change” by T’Gracie and Joe Reese. This is the third book of the Nina Bannister Mystery series, so I had to do my best to keep a similar look as the first two books who were done by another cover artist.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: Nina Bannister just wanted to enjoy her retirement in her little bungalow on the sea coast.  But she couldn’t resist being pulled out of her well-deserved rest, when asked to return as principal of Bay St. Lucy High School.  How hard could it be?  After all, she’d served as a principal before.  Of course, Nina had no idea that she was destined to encounter one of her college enemies–April van Osdale.  It seems, the infamous April is heading up an important state-wide education committee and has been appointed by the governor to raise Bay St. Lucy’s abysmal test scores.  When Nina comes face-to-face with April, she is shocked that the self-important woman seems to have no recollection of their previous unpleasant encounters.  Nina hardly has time to ponder this strange occurrence, when April demands that Nina institute a draconian routine of standardized test preparation at the high school.  Nina plays it cool on the surface but is seething underneath and contemplates what she might do to neutralize the mean-spirited Ms. van Osdale.

Her first attempt involves forcing the prim woman to meet her for lunch in a local dive, but this quickly goes awry when Nina unfortunately reveals some incriminating information about the ladies’ basketball team, resulting in April firing the coach.  With no assistant coach available, it appears the popular team will not be able to play the rest of their season unless a new coach is found.  So, now Nina is not only a principal, she is also a ladies’ basketball coach.  So much for retirement!  But Nina is determined not to let April van Osdale’s tyrany ruin the lives of her students and teachers and begins to develop a plan to oust the vicious administrator from the town.  Unfortunately, before she can implement any of her ideas, the mysterious Ms. van Osdale disappears–and it looks like she’s been murdered. Can Nina solve this crime?  Does she want to? Can she coach the team well enough to get the Bay St. Lucy Lady Mariners to State?  Maybe she can, but it will take a major GAME CHANGE!

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Cover: “Solitary Sky” by Shannon Taylor Hodnett

Introducing the new cover for YA author Shannon Taylor Hodnett’s “Solitary Sky”.

Look for the new cover change over coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: My name is Lilah.

This wasn’t supposed to be my life. I had to leave home. Get far away as I could from the four walls I shared with my so-called mother.

I came to Gentian the day of my eighteenth birthday. I wanted to spend time with Gram, get through my Senior year, and graduate with my best friend, Val. My plans did not include weird, prophetic dreams…or lusting after the guy in the starring role.

But then he walked straight out of those dreams. He was real…and in that moment everything changed. I was drawn deep and held firm by his gravity—close enough to learn all his secrets. I should’ve walked away when I realized he was something more than human, but I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

I had no clue that darker secrets remained hidden. Secrets that could take away everything I never asked for…everything that now I can’t be without.

Secrets I’m afraid will end the life I’m just beginning to live.

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Cover: “For We Are Many” by Stuart Thaman

Introducing the cover for author Stuart Thaman’s upcoming release, “For We Are Many”, brought you by Hydra Publications.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: No one believes Fletcher Lee when he says that he sees someone lurking in the shadows. Removed from his middle school for frightening the other children, 13 year old Fletcher is forced into psychotherapy where his visions are believed to be the result of a traumatic childhood experience. Pressured into reliving his worst nightmares, Fletcher’s torments grow until they can no longer be written off as mere hallucinations.

When Fletcher’s state deteriorates to the point of causing harm to his psychologist, Dr. Kendrick turns away from conventional medicine and discovers a much more troubling, supernatural answer. Without enough time to rescue Fletcher, Dr. Kendrick must make a choice: is she strong enough to risk her soul and find him?

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Cover: “Masked Desires” by Yvonne Nicolas

Cover reveal for the upcoming Carnal Diaries release from best-selling author Yvonne Nicolas, “Masked Desires”.

Coming to ebook June 27, 2014!


BLURB: When Abigail Clark agrees to join her best friend on a getaway to New Orleans, she has no idea what’s in store for her. After her friend coaxes her into attending a Masquerade Ball, Abigail finds herself stuck in an awkward situation. However, she is delightfully caught off guard when Daniel Lérue, a gorgeous, younger man shows interest in her.
He offers her a night filled with unforgettable passion. With that, he awakens a sexual appetite that has been dormant for quite some time.
Will she shy away from her body’s masked desires or surrender to the call of untamed lust?




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Cover: “Back in Town” by Marc A. Di Giacomo

Check out the cover for the next book in Amazon Best-Selling Author, Marc A. Di Giacomo’s A Small Town Series, “Back in Town“.

I have to say, I’m a little partial to this cover, but I think it’s because of my love of spiders 🙂

Now available on ebook, and coming soon to print!


BLURB: The small town of Hutchville, N.Y. is turned upside down. No longer is it the quaint, sleepy, suburb of New York City. Detective Matt Longo is back on the job and embroiled in his latest nightmare. Further complicating matters is the revelation of his partner’s corruption and organized crime ties; Donny Mello has left a bitter trail of lies and deceit. With his kid brother and newly promoted Detective Franny Longo by his side, will Matt be able to put his past behind him?

Special Agent Cynthia Shyler, (F.B.I.) has been reassigned due to her meeting with Matt Longo. Will this move complicate their relationship? Or will a new stranger in town spin a web that entangles the entire Hutchville Police Department, especially our most seasoned detective, Matt Longo?




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Cover: “Daughters of Babylon” by Elaine Stirling

The cover for author Elaine Stirling’s upcoming release, “Daughters of Babylon”, brought to you by Greyhart Press.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: ”Sometimes, the only way to
the future is through the present
of someone else’s past.”

Confused? So is Silvina Kestral when she agrees to clear out the house of an eccentric dead actress amidst the ruins of a medieval priory in the French Pyrenees.

Speaking of confusion, who were the Daughters of Babylon, and what does a tall dark stranger in the attic have to do with Creation’s mightiest secrets? To find out, you’d have to ask either a Mexican cane  cutter with a party of witches and a sense of rhyme, or a 19-year-old, badly married queen named Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Problem is, where to start? And once started, what if the task never, ever ends?


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