Cover: “Awaken” by Skye Malone

Cover reveal for author Skye Malone’s upcoming YA Paranormal Romance release, “Awaken” – the first book in The Awaken Fate Series.

Now available in print and ebook!


BLURB: Running away from home was never Chloe’s plan. Neither was ending up the target of killers, or having her body change in unusual ways. She only wanted a vacation, someplace far from her crazy parents and their irrational fear of water. She only wanted to do something normal for once, and maybe get to know her best friend’s hot stepbrother a bit better at the same time.

But the first day she goes out on the ocean, strange things start to happen. Dangerous things that should be impossible. Things to which ‘normal’ doesn’t even begin to apply.

Now madmen are hunting her. A mysterious guy with glowing blue eyes is following her. And her best friend’s stepbrother seems to be hiding secrets all his own.

It was supposed to be a vacation. It’s turning out to be a whole lot more.


Print Edition

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Cover: “Seeds Across the Sky” by Mark Whiteway

The new cover for science fiction author Mark Whiteway’s fourth book in the award winning Lodestone series, “Seeds Across the Sky

Now available in print and ebook!


BLURB: The discovery of an ancient artifact sends Keris of the Kelanni and the human McCann spinning back into the distant past to uncover a threat more terrible than either of them could conceive.

Five planetary turns have passed since Humans were driven from the planet Kelanni. Keris learns of an ancient record that purports to tell the true origins of her people, and of a being named Ash who has manipulated their development for his own purposes. But is the record true, or merely another cynical attempt by Humans to exploit the power of Lodestone?




Print Edition

The Audio Cover

Cover: “Swift as a Shadow” by M.L. Hamilton

Cover reveal for the upcoming release from author M.L. Hamilton, “Swift as a Shadow”.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: Avery Nolan has a secret. A secret she guards fiercely.

But everyone has secrets. Her mother who draws pictures of nightmarish creatures. Her grandmother with her padlocked shed. Her student with the pale eyes and brooding father.

Leaving Sacramento after her divorce, Avery retreats to Tahoe with her golden retriever, Basil, looking for change, but as her grandmother always told her, “Be careful what you wish for.” After Basil discovers a hidden clearing with three standing stones, everything that Avery thinks she knows is suddenly upended.

Each move she makes brings her closer to a world imagined only in fairytales and to unraveling the secrets her family has guarded for decades – secrets that will give Avery more adventure than she ever thought imaginable.


Print Edition

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Cover: “Zombies in the Delta” by M.L. Hamilton

Cover reveal for the first book in author M.L. Hamilton’s new Peyton Brooks, FBI series, “Zombies in the Delta”.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: Peyton and Marco’s relationship has undergone enormous change. With new jobs demanding their attention, they struggle to find an equilibrium between their professional and personal lives. Added to that difficulty is Marco’s inability to accept his own physical limitations and his fear that Peyton stays with him only through guilt.


Peyton see his growing distance and worries about it, but she’s afraid to confront him and add to his stress. Faced with her own challenges, Peyton tries to balance both halves of her life, but when a zombie killer strikes in the Delta, Peyton will have to focus her attention on catching a murderer as elusive as smoke, leaving Marco to fend for himself.




Print Edition

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Cover: “Emmaline Waters, This is Your Life” by Maggie Bloom

Introducing the cover for author Maggie Bloom’s upcoming romantic comedy release, “Emmaline Waters, This is Your Life.”

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: Recent college grad Emmaline Waters’s “real life” is shaping up to be a bit too real.

Instead of a plum journalism job (or whatever bottom-rung drudgery in the news business she can drum up to get her too-tight dress through the door), she’s slinging cocktails to tipsy construction workers at Boston’s finest dive bar.

Instead of a sexy husband-in-training who worships the ground her wobbly heels clack upon, she’s muddling through a new relationship with a self-absorbed boyfriend who screens her calls and disappears at a moment’s notice for impromptu “business meetings.”

Instead of a luxurious, big-city address with a jovial doorman and expansive water views, she’s biding her time in a cramped garage apartment with an elusive PhD-candidate roommate who might as well be a ghost.

So when Emmaline lands an interview for a food-critic job at the Boston Sunday Times, she’s sure she has (finally!) stumbled onto the road to success. But soon an unexpected detour—in the form of Mark Loffel, her high school one-night stand—(re)appears, sending Emmaline careening in a whole new direction.

When the dust settles, will Emmaline have the life of her dreams? Or will her adorable little secret be revealed for every Tom, Dick, and Mark to see?



Print Edition

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Cover: “The Crucible of Dawn” by Mark Whiteway

The new cover for science fiction author Mark Whiteway’s third book in the award winning Lodestone series, “The Crucible of Dawn.

Now available in print, ebook and audio!


BLURB: The multiple award-winning Lodestone series returns in an all-action third instalment.

Having finally secured the four components of Annata’s ancient device, ten Kelanni set sail for the Island of Helice in order to neutralize the human weapon designed to eradicate the planet’s indigenous life and to give them control over lodestone—the most powerful substance in the universe.

With time against them, they must battle to overcome internal conflicts and along the way uncover shocking new truths about themselves; about their enemies, the humans; and about the strange creature, Boxx, whose ultimate purpose yet remains a mystery.



Print Edition

Audio Cover