Cover: “The World of Ice and Stars” by Mark Whiteway

The new cover for science fiction author Mark Whiteway’s second book in the award winning Lodestone series, “The World of Ice and Stars.”

Now available in print, ebook and audio!


BLURB: The desperate race to save a world continues. Washed up on a distant shore on the unknown side of her planet, together with the Chandara Boxx, the orphan Kelanni named Shann must uncover the fate of her companions, whilst searching for an artefact hidden there in the distant past. As she journeys farther into this new land, she will encounter strange sights, come up against new enemies and meet new allies, until finally coming face to face with the truth of her own past.





Print Edition

Audio Edition

Cover: “A Body at Book Club” by Elizabeth Spann Craig

Author Elizabeth Spann Craig recently contacted me about doing the cover for the next book in her Myrtle Clover Mystery series, book 6  “A Body at Book Club“. The catch was, I had to keep the same look and layout of the earlier covers. So I can’t take credit for the original layout.

Now available on ebook, and coming soon to print!


BLURB: When octogenarian sleuth Myrtle Clover discovers Naomi Pelter’s dead body during a book club meeting, the other members seem shocked.  But Myrtle can read between the lines. Naomi had riled everyone up by flirting with other people’s husbands, arguing with neighbors, and generally making a nuisance of herself. Murdering troublemakers is the oldest trick in the book.


The book club members seem too sweet to be killers, but Myrtle knows better than to judge books by their covers. Myrtle’s investigation into the murder will take a more novel approach than her police chief son’s by-the-book methods. Can Myrtle and her widower sidekick uncover the killer…before he writes them off for good?




Print Edition

Audio Edition

Facebook Timeline Cover Image

Cover: “The Sea of Storms” by Mark Whiteway

Introducing the new cover for science fiction author Mark Whiteway’s first book in the award winning Lodestone series, “The Sea of Storms“.

Available now on ebook (always free) and keep an eye out for the change over in print and audio.

Check back for the new covers for the rest of the series!



BLURB: A white hole—a portal from another universe—rains meteoroids onto the planet Kelanni. But the so-called “lodestones” behave according to different physical laws, transforming Kelanni`s society forever.







The Print Edition

Audio Cover

Cover: “Master” by Robert J. Crane

Cover reveal for Volume Five in author Robert J. Crane’s Sanctuary Series, “Master”.

Look for it later this year coming to print and ebook!


BLURB: The world of Arkaria is a dangerous place, filled with dragons, titans, goblins and other dangers. Those who live in this world are faced with two choices: live an ordinary life or become an adventurer and seek the extraordinary.

The disappearance and presumed death of Alaric Garaunt has thrown the guild of Sanctuary into chaos. Added to the upheaval are the sudden disappearance of Sanctuary’s old allies, The Daring, the resurgence of the Dark Elves in the war, and a mystery brought to Cyrus Davidon by an old friend. As the darkness rises in the land of Arkaria, Sanctuary must find a way through their struggles to unify, even as a battle between two pillars of the guild threatens to tear them asunder once and for all.
Print Edition
Facebook Timeline Cover Image

Cover: “H2O” by Irving Belateche

Introducing the newly updated cover to author Irving Belateche’sH2O“.

Now available in ebook and print!


BLURB: Roy Walker is curious. But in a world where knowledge has disappeared, curiosity will get you killed.

Generations ago, the Passim Virus wiped out most of humanity. The survivors banded together to form the Territory and, now, decades later, no one questions why knowledge has disappeared. Why should they? They’re lucky to be alive.

But Roy doesn’t feel so lucky. He’s haunted by the murder of his father and he’s ostracized by everyone in town. He asks way too many questions, especially about the water pumped out by the town’s desalination plant.

Then Roy finds a tantalizing clue that leads him down the coast of what used to be the state of Oregon. He’s stunned at what he discovers. Everything in the Territory is a lie and everything around him is a front. But to uncover the dark secret behind this front, Roy must venture deeper into the wilderness where marauders and the deadly Passim Virus wait to kill.

It’s there, outside the Territory, where he discovers the truth about his father’s murder and where he meets his unexpected destiny — To free humanity from the bondage of a powerful enemy.

Print Edition

Facebook Timeline Cover Image

Cover: “Hot Tub of Death” by Rita Strombeck

Curl up with a new cozy mystery brought to you by the Cozy Cat Press, “Hot Tub of Death” by Rita Strombeck.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!


BLURB: On the surface, Sunshine Valley appears to be an idyllic small town in Arizona’s picturesque Sonoran desert. When Adam and Eve Iverson, a retired married couple, move to this seemingly peaceful community, they have every intention of pursuing their individual passions.  Then, one day, their plans are disrupted when they discover the body of Olive Howell, the most disliked and feared woman in the valley, floating in the community hot tub.  

In the days that follow, the main topic of conversation in Sunshine Valley revolves around the death of Olive Howell. At first, her death is ruled accidental, but this pronouncement doesn’t sit well with the Iversons. Driven by her intuition and keen perceptiveness, Eve begins to sort through a series of clues that indicate murder, and soon discovers that several people had strong motives and opportunities to kill Olive. Based on his own reasoning, Adam begins a separate investigation. Following their individual instincts and hunches, and by cleverly sorting through all the facts, Adam and Eve work together to ferret out who among the seemingly harmless residents of Sunshine Valley could have created the HOT TUB OF DEATH.
Print Edition

Surprise in the Mailbox

I went to get the mail Friday afternoon and there was a box inside the mailbox. I had a book coming so I figured it was that. As I’m walking up the driveway, excited to see the book (cover I designed), I notice it felt weird the way it moved inside the box. Curious, I pause in the middle of the driveway next to my car. I set the other mail down on the trunk and start opening the box.

I peek inside and see packing paper. Completely perplexed (cause really, who “packs” a book?) I tip the box and two heavy, identically wrapped things push the paper out of the way and fall out into my hands. Box, paper, mail..all forgotten, I quickly unwrap thing one.

The sun glints off the shiny glass as my eyes try to focus on what it said. A slew of inappropriate, yet excited words [loudly] spew out of my mouth as I quickly grab the second and unwrap it. I’m pretty sure the neighbors were trying to see over the hedges as to what caused the outburst, but I was already racing into the house to grab my phone to take a picture.

What was in the box you ask? I’ll show you! (yes that’s the pic I ran inside to take. I know, I’m a photographer too, I could’ve set up a nicer shot, used an actual camera, played with some lighting…etc, but I’m a lazy photographer!)

To be completely honest, I have been so busy lately I had completely forgotten the E.P.I.C. Award ceremony was this weekend. To say it was a shock is an understatement. Unfortunately I hadn’t registered for EPICon this year, so I guess this is their way of still keeping the surprise in finding out you won. I had always wondered how they notified the winners that weren’t there, now I know! It’s probably for the best anyways, considering my reaction when I opened the box. Better to scream expletives in the privacy of your driveway where only the neighbors think you’re crazy, than in a room full of your peers…right?

So that’s my exciting news! I am officially an “Award Winning” Cover Artist lol Oh! and if you are curious about the covers that won me these beauties,  here they are: