Cover: “Einstein’s Secret” by Irving Belateche

The cover for author Irving Belateche’s upcoming release, “Einstein’s Secret”.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook.

BLURB: It’s 1955, and Albert Einstein lies in a hospital bed, deathly ill. He suddenly stirs, asks his assistant for paper and pen, then scribbles something down. Minutes later, he dies.

History tells us that Einstein jotted down equations that night. But struggling scholar Jacob Morgan believes that history is wrong. He’s  convinced that Einstein wrote a deathbed confession that night—a secret that the great scientist didn’t want to take to his grave.

Jacob has spent his entire adult life obsessively hunting down that secret—with nothing to show for it but the scorn of his colleagues and the tattered remnants of a once-promising teaching career.

But now, thanks to a lucky break, Jacob has a chance to get his life back on track. His appointment as an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia is a fresh start, and he’s vowed to end his pursuit of Einstein’s secret.

Until history chooses this moment to deliver him one more clue. A clue that leads him to an impossible and unbelievable discovery:

Time travel.

And so begins the last leg of Jacob’s desperate quest, one where history is not only changeable—it’s changing. All by itself. And if Jacob doesn’t rescue Einstein’s secret, everything that he’s ever known will disappear forever.

Print Edition

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Cover: “Altaica” by Tracy M. Joyce (with B&A)

I recently finished up the cover for author Tracy M. Joyce’s upcoming release “Altaica”, book one in the Chronicles of Altaica.

Look for it coming soon to print and ebook!

BLURB: “Look at her – she’s Hill Clan.  Even the Matyrani don’t like them…”

Isaura – little is known about her race, but much is whispered.  Born to refugees, she grows up enduring racism and superstition within a community that fears her.  She has few friends, and those she treasures.  Trapped, she longs for escape to a different life.

Escape is only the beginning of her troubles.  Having fled an invading army with her friends, Isaura is faced with heinous choices in order to survive.  Secrets from her past emerge to torment her and threaten to destroy all she holds dear.  Her struggles forge a bond with an ancient power – a power which may transform or consume her.  Old hatreds and superstitions are renewed and at her most vulnerable she learns the true nature of those around her.

Her only hope lies in a foreign land – a land rich in tradition; ruled by three powerful clans.  A land with a history marked by warfare; where magic as we know it does not exit.  Instead what is here, in abundance, is a more primal power.

Survival carries a high price.

Welcome to Altaica.

Print Edition

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We also did a set of bookmarks.

And I thought I’d throw in a before and after. Here is a composition of the “before”, or the images used:

Cover: “Bodies Unbroken” by Endi Webb + B&A

I recently finished up the cover for author Endi Webb’s fourth book in The Rohvim series, “Bodies Unbroken”.  Check out the before and after at the bottom of the post!

Look for it later this year in both print and ebook!

Print Edition (minus back text)

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I’m quite proud of how the imagery turned out on this one. Here are the “before” stock images used.

And a closer view of the “After” final image. There was a lot of digital painting with this one.