Cover reveal for “Agōn” by YAAN.
Now available in print and ebook!

A new and powerful technology resurrects a long-dead warrior from the distant past, triggering a deadly game of corporate politics. As shadowy schemes spiral out of control, the ensuing bedlam upends life on the crowning achievement of corporatist innovation – Iceberg City. In the thick of confusion, fundamental values bend and then break as each player jostles, lies, cheats and kills for profit. But from within the tortured life of ‘utility’ emerges the ancient call towards the self-determination of meaning – a call which harbours inevitable self-destruction.

“Agōn” is a post-modernist dark fantasy set in a science-fiction world where untrammelled human competition culminates in the breakdown of morality. From breakdown comes greater heights of reflection and morose delectation. At the core of its human drama lies the fraught odyssey through the vale of death, guided by the ultimate alienation of the human creature from its moralities. From this pitiless view of creatural existence-as-rebellion emerges the triumph of convolution and competition, a triumph that suspends all emotion in the soup of its tragedy.