I’m not sure why I feel the need to add “another non-cover post” to my title. LOL Seems like all my posts are about covers lately. Used to be, all my posts were about photography or art. So once in a while I need to throw something non-cover related out there.

Most of my time now days is spent on doing cover art, but not all of it. I felt the need to get away from Photoshop a bit, and get in touch with my camera again, so I took a local photography workshop called “Critiquing Your Photography” instructed by Will Fields. If you’re in the area, and have an interest in photography, I highly recommend taking one of his classes. Will offers a variety of photography classes/workshops both here in Grand Rapids, Mi and in St. Louis. Varying from a 1hr Private Instruction classes, to Beginning Photography, to In Studio Lighting, to Nature Photography, to Critiquing your Photography, to weekend Photography Tours.

I had a great time, learned a lot,  made a few friends, shared a bit of Photoshop knowledge, and took a bunch of pictures over the 4 week course.

Now I’m gonna share some of my pics!

I did do a post previously on the first assignment, which was called “A Non-cover Post” (go figure!) Though technically I wasn’t doing those pics FOR the assignment, I had it in mind, was sort of a practice/prelude. I had planned on doing something else, but life happened and I wound up using those shots anyways. The assignment was to pick a famous photography, and try and recreate their work/style. For those of you who don’t want to go back and read that post, just want to see pics, here are a couple from that. (no PS)

And more pics taken during the time frame of the workshop:

A Photowalk we did downtown (only cropping done)


An old school house one of my classmates and I found, working on shutter speed.

More shutter priority work, we were to capture motion, decided to go downtown at night, overlooking the highway.

(played with the color a bit in PS on this one)

Then I got a bit preoccupied by the way the light reflected off the Grand River, and ignored the whole motion thing:

I also tried having the kids play with flashlights at night:

And since I’m sharing pics, here are a few, not connected to the class, but a couple of us joined the Grand Rapids Flickr Group on their monthly Photowalk.

In case you missed the link above, this is Will Fields Photography website, and his Photography Workshops website.