Looking around my page, it’s probably pretty obvious I do a lot of photography or photomanipulation work. Most of the book covers I’ve done have been on that basis. But did you know, I also do vector drawings? (I also draw with a good old fashioned pencil and paper, and paint too…but shhhhh!!)
I know there are some authors out there who prefer a more classic, hand drawn artwork, versus the photoshopped cover work. In today’s day in age, yes, hand drawn can be done on the computer. All my vector images are hand drawn. There’s no stock or clipart involved. Just me, my mouse (need to get my tablet back!), and some software.
I have put together a Pre-made vector drawn cover to show as an example of my work. (For information on how to purchase Pre-made Covers click here)
If you have wandered over to my E-book & Print Cover Art Design tab at the top of this page, then you’ve probably noticed the price jump between a photomanipulation and a vector cover. Why you ask? Well, plain and simply, it takes me more time. I’m not working with stock images, I’m not taking bits and pieces of something already made to make something new. I’m starting from scratch.
For more information, or questions, contact me at kklawiter@gmail.com
Really interesting and passionating work, Karri…you are an artist and a great graphic developper. Wonderful.Congratulations.